Austin Long
Modern Epic: Geek Mythology
Inkjet Prints
Digital technology has become an essential component to a modern existence. From cell phones and cameras to video games and the internet, the realm of the digital world has invaded nearly every aspect of contemporary society. We are attached at the hip.
The gods of the 21st century have touch-screens, high definition playback, and enhanced connectivity.
Modern Epic explores the culture of excess, obsession, and dependence that has become characteristic of our digital society. Through modern day parallels to ancient greek mythology, the images reflect mankind’s schizophrenic relationship with its digital accessories; the interconnectedness and isolation, arrogance and timidity, aggression and paranoia.
A series of six highly orchestrated images depict the greek characters Ares, Medusa, Apollo, Mnemosyne, Hermes, and Cronus in a contemporary context. With an abundance of modern technology at their disposal, each figure personifies a paradoxical truth of the digital age.
Elaborating on the flawed, vulnerable, and ultimately human nature of the greek gods, goddesses, and villains, each image blurs the line between humanity and our creations while encouraging viewers to question their own relationship with their digital accessories.
Ares (2011) - The God of War, Ares is notorious for his relentless bloodlust, aggression, and savagery. Hated by the other gods for his cruelty, Ares lives for battle with no value for human life or social justice.
Medusa (2011) - Punished by a jealous god, the once beautiful Medusa was transformed into a terrible monster. All who meet her gaze become solidified in stone, ensuring her an eternity of isolation from mankind. |
Apollo (2011) - The self-proclaimed God of Light and Truth, Apollo uses his fame and notoriety to covertly alter reality to his own advantage. Bringing both great plagues and great healing, Apollo is worshipped for the truth he creates, while a blind eye is turned to the cost of its creation.
Mnemosyne (2011) - The Titaness of Memory, Mnemosyne decides both what is remembered and what is forgotten. With the ability to direct the collective consciousness, Mnemosyne controls the ultimate fate of mankind. |
Hermes (2011) - The Messenger of the Gods, Hermes relays communication between Mount Olympus, Hades, and the physical world. Ever the mischievous, Hermes’ thieving tendencies and clever deceptiveness are masked by his undeniable amicability. |
Cronus (2011) - The Titan Cronus devours each of his children at birth in fear that their future will become his demise. With an appetite fueled by paranoia, each bite inevitably brings the Titan closer to his downfall. |
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