
Woodland Weekend

I just got back this morning from a brief weekend getaway in Volcano, CA with some friends from CSUMB. Good times. Video (HD Available in Full Screen) and Photos below:


Nikon D7000 at 7fps

I had a brief opportunity to test out the 7 frame-per-second capability of my new camera while hanging out with my friend Perry in Salinas on Saturday. The sound of 16 continuous shutter releases in just over 2 seconds really is a beautiful thing. The sequence below:
You might have to give it a few seconds to load and play at full speed. The quality of animated .gifs is pretty terrible but its cool to see the sequence as a unified image rather than looking at seperate individual frames.

I've been meaning to update my blog with a more substantial post than this. I'll be compiling a new series of photos for my next post, hopefully in the next week or two.